Nine Folds Make A Paper Swan by Ruth Gilligan

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Ruth's family - Jewish refugees fleeing the European pogroms - mistakenly disembark from their boat to America a few countries too soon. Still, her father can spin a story like pure silk, so surely Ireland's just a layover till he writes his great play and they can continue their journey west?


It's been years since Shem was struck mute at his Bar Mitzvah, forcing his mother to hand him over to the care of Catholic nuns. It's a lonely existence in the sanatorium, but at least his secret is safely locked up in his mouth and kept behind closed doors, where it can never hurt the one person he loves.


Aisling came to London to escape the Irish recession, not to fall in love. She would marry Noah in a heartbeat, if only his family didn't insist he marry a Jew. Unsure whether to give up her own heritage for someone else's, Aisling looks tot he past to see if she can decide on her future.